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In the event of pandemic influenza, businesses and other employers will play a key role in protecting employees' health and safety as well as limiting the negative impact to the economy and society. Planning for pandemic influenza is critical. Companies that provide critical infrastructure services, such as power and telecommunications, also have a special responsibility to plan for continued operation in a crisis and should plan accordingly. As with any catastrophe, having a contingency plan is essential.

Các chiến lược đối phó của cộng đồng nhằm trì hoãn hay giảm bớt ảnh hưởng của đại dịch (cũng còn được gọi là các biện pháp can thiệp không liên quan tới thuốc men) có thể giúp giảm bớt nguy cơ lây bệnh cho tới khi có thuốc chủng ngừa.

HHS and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have developed guidelines, including checklists, to assist businesses, industries, and other employers in planning for a pandemic outbreak as well as for other comparable catastrophes.

 Danh sách việc các việc cần làm và thư

 Hướng Dẫn Cộng Đồng

 Critical Infrastructure Guide

 Employer and Employee Guidance

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