NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service - Northwest Region
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Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat

In March 2006, NOAA Fisheries Service approved a plan to establish and protect more than 130,000 square miles of marine waters off the West Coast as essential fish habitat (EFH) for groundfish. The plan prohibits fishing methods that can cause long-term damage to the ocean floor, such as bottom trawling, within much of this area. Developed by the Pacific Fishery Management Council, the plan is aimed at replenishing fish stocks. It covers an area from Canada to Mexico, out to 200 nautical miles in some places. The plan was developed with support and advice from both environmental and fishing industry groups, and will provide much-needed habitat protection to areas that are essential to commercially valuable fish.

Although NOAA Fisheries Service does not have regulatory authority over non-fishing activities that may damage habitat, the plan includes designating various habitats such as kelp, sea grass and estuaries as “habitat areas of particular concern.” This designation will alert other agencies that are active in these areas that NOAA Fisheries Service may have conservation recommendations to ensure projects do not harm bottom-dwelling fish.

May 11, 2006: NOAA Fisheries Service has published the final rule (PDF 110KB) implementing the regulatory provisions of Amendment 19non-U.S.-government link to the Pacific Coast Groundfish FMP. Amendment 19 provides for a comprehensive program to describe and protect essential fish habitat (EFH). EFH protection measures will implement area closures for specific gear types, effective June 12, 2006.

For more information on area closures, including detailed maps and latitude and longitude coordinates outlining boundaries, see the Groundfish Closed Areas Webpage.

Small Entity Compliance Guide  (PDF 415KB)

March 8, 2006: NOAA Fisheries Service approved a plan to establish and protect more than 150,000 square miles of marine waters off the West Coast as essential fish habitat for groundfish. The plan prohibits fishing methods within much of this area that can cause long-term damage to the ocean floor, such as bottom trawling.

December 2005: Final EIS on Groundfish Essential Fish Habitat


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Page last updated: December 29, 2008
