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Animal Identification

Animal identification is one of the hottest topics in the livestock community today.

Dr. Cindy Wolf, vice-chair of the ASI Animal Health Committee and a Minnesota producer, guided an assembly of industry leaders through the steps in the development of a species-specific animal identification plan. Industry leaders from around the country participated in the discussions including lamb feeders, range and farm operators, sheep specialists, and sale-barn and affiliated industry businesses.

The goal of this group was to develop a well-defined implementation phase-in plan for sheep identification that is consistent with the established standards and goals of the National Animal Identification System (NAIS).

The Sheep Identification Working Group documents are available here. The presentation can be viewed in either Power Point or Acrobat. The Power Point version will take more time to load than the Acrobat version.

January 2007 -- SFCP, NSEP and NAIS -- How They Interact
August 2006 -- Sheep Identification Working Group Final Report
August 2006 -- Sheep ID Working Group Presentation to NIAA ID Expo
April 2006 -- National Animal Identification System Facts & Myths
January 2006 -- Sheep ID Working Group Presentation to Board
May 2004 -- Sheep Specific Working Group Report
August 2004 -- Sheep Identification Presentation - Power Point
August 2004 -- Sheep Identification Presentation - PDF File

The U.S. Department of Agriculture 's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service have created a resource for producers to access regarding the NAIS program. Click here to access this comprehensive Web site.