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Call for U.S. Sheep Research

This is an exciting, new event being introduced at the 2009 ASI Convention in San Diego, Calif. We encourage wide participation in the programming area.

Call for U.S. Sheep Research

American Sheep Industry Association Convention

January 21st to 24th, 2009

Submission Deadline: Midnight on October 31st, 2008

The American Sheep Industry Association would like to recognize active sheep research programs from throughout the U.S. Inclusion of your research efforts in this new program will provide an opportunity to communicate pertinent scientific findings to sheep producers and industry leaders at the 2009 ASI Convention in San Diego, California. Sheep research efforts from the following disciplines will be selected:

1) Genetics
2) Nutrition
3) Physiology
4) Pasture/Range Management
5) Meat Science
6) Production and Management
7) Animal Health/Disease
8) Wool

The process requires submission of a research program synopsis, which must include the following: a) Background; b) Purpose Statement; c) Summary of Findings; d) Conclusions; e) Applications. Data collected from multiple studies within a single research program should be included. The authors’ ability to justify why their research efforts are important to a diverse audience of sheep industry leaders, producers and educators will be critical in the selection process.

The program synopsis should be no longer than 5,000 characters (with spaces). This does not include tables, figures, titles, authors and institutions. Submissions will be accepted from October 1st to October 31st, 2008 and should be emailed to Authors will be notified of their selection prior to November 14th.

The selection committee includes members of the overall convention planning committee and individuals selected to represent the discipline areas listed above. Decisions made by the selection committee will be considered final. The following selection scoring system will be used (100 points):

1. Effective written communication of the research program synopsis 25
2. Applicability to current production systems 25
3. Potential for economic return on results 25
4. New and innovative approaches to existing production problems 25

The synopses of all selected programs will be included in the 2009 ASI U.S. Sheep Research Program that will be made available to all participants of the convention. In addition, at least two program synopses will be selected from each discipline for oral presentation and the presenting author will be awarded a $300 travel stipend to attend the 2009 convention. Authors will be notified of their selection prior to November 14th.