Contact Us
MSU Extension Sheep Program
P.O. Box 172900
Bozeman, MT 59717
Tel: (406) 994-3415
Fax: (406) 994-5589
Location: 221 Linfield

Extension Sheep Specialist:
Dr. Rodney Kott
Montana Sheep Institute

Dalmation Toadflax

Dalmation Toadflax Grazing Project (2004 &2005)

Both a controlled grazing study and landscape grazing monitoring study were setup to determine the potential of using sheep and goat grazing to control the infestation of Dalmatian toadflax. Although this plant is included in many wild flower seed collections, in Montana it is a noxious weed which has escaped from gardens to become a serious invader of rangeland, mountain meadows and waste areas. A controlled study was set up in cooperation with Dr. James Jacobs (Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences) to determine the affect of sheep grazing and herbicide application on Dalmatian toadflax.

Data listed below represent results from year one. Year 2 and herbicide data is currently being summarized.

Average Sheep Utilization of Dalmation Toadflax By Chemical Treatment (Transects)

Average Utilization of Forages by SHeep Throughout Study Area

In addition a landscape grazing monitoring study was conducted in 2004 at one site and at three sites in 2005. Data is currently being summarized. Observations indicate that sheep and or goats will selectively consume this noxious weed but suggest that there is an adaptation period before suitable consumption is achieved. There is no doubt that sheep / goat grazing can be a highly affective tool for controlling Dalmatian Toadflax but a better understanding of the development of a diet preference for the weed is needed.