Low Interest Rate
Good Terms

These type of projects and 
many others that benefit the
sheep or goat industries
would qualify


  • Investment in the development, production and commercialization of new sheep or goat products. Excellent

  • To increase production or improve production efficiency.

  • Improve marketing efficiency or product quality.

  • Purchase of equipment, leasehold improvements, machinery, supplies, or inventory for sheep or goat production or processing.

  • Investment in development and use of new equip­ment and methods to process sheep or goat products.

  • Business conversion, construction, enlargement, repair, modernization or development in processing facilities for sheep, goats or their products.

  • Facilitate infrastructure and business development in the sheep and goat industries. Purchase and development of land, easements, rights-of-way, buildings, or facilities for the purpose of sheep or goat production or processing.

  • Investment in efforts to manufacture and market new products for sheep or goat disease prevention and control; predator control; genetic and reproductive performance.

  • Commercialization of sheep or goat products that have been developed by public or private institutions.

Background                                                           Application Process

Frequently Asked Questions                                   MAP of Projects

NLPA Home Page            



National Sheep Industry Improvement Center
PO Box 23483     Washington, DC 20026-3483 

Room 2117  1400 Independence Ave. SW  Washington, DC 20250-3252  
    Phone: 202-690-0632       Fax: 202-720-1053


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