CENDI Interest Area — Information Policy

CENDI works on behalf of its members to identify emerging scientific and technical policy issues and to provide forums for their discussion, including the following:

As a continuing project, CENDI provides a discussion forum on open/pubic acess developments. On behalf of its member agencies, CENDI has provided input on the implementation of the E-Government Act, specifically in the areas of persistent identification and copyright issues related to government web sites. CENDI has taken a leadership role in responding to the National Science Board's long-lived data initiative. We provided input to the draft study, held a joint roundtable discussion with CODATA; and presented a symposium at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, "The Expanding Universe of Digital Data Collections."

In the past, CENDI has commented on the closure of NTIS and on the information dissemination policies contained in OMB Directive A-130.