About the Program
CDC works with national and state data sources to monitor, evaluate, and
present information on carbon-monoxide-related illness and death in the
General Information
Small gasoline engines, disasters, houseboats, checklists, flyers,
health tips, protection & prevention guidelines, public service
announcements, questions & answers ...more
The Quiet Killer
"The Quiet Killer": "CDCTV" presentation on Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention. ...more
Research and Studies
Reports detailing how carbon monoxide can be produced by portable
generators, motorboats, fires, and other emissions.
Power Outage related
After disasters such as hurricanes, increased use of portable
generators during power outages can produce harmful carbon monoxide
Boat related
Motorboat, ski-boat, and houseboat exhaust can produce dangerous
carbon monoxide ...more
Reports on various cases of carbon monoxide emissions ...more
Related Issues
CDC monitors and evaluates surveillance data on CO-related illness and
death, and works with state and local agencies to respond to CO-related
Floods[external link]
During and after a flood, you should know about power outages, how to
keep food and water safe, how to clean up, and how to prevent carbon
monoxide poisoning ...more
Hurricanes[external link]
Key facts about hurricane readiness and recovery, preventing illness
and injury, cleanup, evacuation, etc. ...more
Outages[external link]
What you need to know when the power goes out unexpectedly: safe
drinking water and food, CO poisoning, first aid for electrical shock,
etc. ...more
On this page you can find useful documents and FAQs about carbon
monoxide from various federal and other resources ...more