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Phaseolus vulgaris L.


Bean, Common bean, Caraota, Feijao, French bean, Kidney bean, Haricot bean, Field bean, Poroto, Snap bean, String bean, Frijol, Wax bean

We have information from several sources:

Dry Edible Beans: A New Crops Opportunity for the East North Central Region—Glenn H. Sullivan and Lonni R. Davenport

New Crops for Canadian Agriculture—Ernest Small

Handbook of Energy Crops—James A. Duke. 1983. unpublished.

Fieldbean—Alternative Field Crops Manual, University of Wisconson Cooperative Extension Service, University of Minnesota Extension Service, Center for Alternative Plant & Animal Products

Dry Edible Beans—Alternative Crop Guide

Neglected Crops: 1492 from a Different Perspective—J.E. Hernándo Bermejo and J. León (eds.)
Phaseolus spp.
Field Bean

Food and feed crops of the United States. Magness, J.R., G.M. Markle, C.C. Compton. 1971.
Common dry bean
Common bean

Outside links

Phaseolus Beans—production links

Nuñas (Popping beans) can be found in Lost Crops of the Incas from National Academy Press

Legume—FAO/IBPGR Technical Guidelines for the Safe Movement of Legume Germplasm—Link to the publication on the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute web site