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Grape, American

Slip skin grape

Vitaceae Vitis sp., mostly V. labrusca L.

Source: Magness et al. 1971

These are grape varieties developed in whole or in part from species indigenous in this country. They are hardier and more disease resistant than the Old World grape, and are grown at least in home gardens in all mainland states except Alaska. Plants are perennial and long-lived vines, in commerce supported on trellises. Fruit is produced in bunches. Individual berries, from 0.5 inch to near 1 inch diameter, vary in shape from oval to slightly oblate and in color from green to red or black. Skin is thin and waxy, and separates readily from pulp, hence the name "slip skin." Fruits generally contain contain 2 to 4 seeds.

Season, bloom to harvest: 3 to 5 months.

Production in U.S.: About 300,000 tons commercially; extensively grown in home plantings.

Use: Fresh, juice, wine, jelly and jam.

Part of fruit consumed: Generally pulp only, but skin included by some people when eating fresh, or is separated from the pulp in the mouth.

Last update February 18, 1999 by ch