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Commodity Outlook

USDA provides short-term (1 year) and longrun (10-year) baseline projections for the U.S. agricultural sector, which are used for market and policy analysis and for Federal budget estimates. Projections cover key agricultural crop and livestock commodities, as well as agricultural trade, and aggregate indicators such as farm income and food prices and are available through a series of outlook reports.


ERS Outlook Reports—These reports track and analyze the short-term outlook for commodities, as well as farm income and finance, food prices, and agricultural trade. In addition to recent releases, this page offers a brief overview of the outlook for U.S. agriculture and links to reports on special topics, the latest data, and a calendar of report releases.

USDA Agricultural Baseline Projections—The USDA baseline provides longrun (10-year) projections for the agricultural sector. Projections cover agricultural commodities, agricultural trade, and aggregate indicators of the sector, such as farm income and food prices.

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