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The Kentucky Community Partners for Healthy Farming ROPS Project logo: University of Kentucky




University of Kentucky

The Kentucky Community Partners for Healthy Farming ROPS Project
: Goals : Focus, Goals & Materials

1. GOALS - Focus, Goals and Materials

Component Part Name
The Problem

Project Goals and their Reasons

Community Education Materials and Activities
GOALS A one-page chart that summarizes the focus and goals of the project and the types of materials included as part of the program. This one-page chart is useful as a handout. These three additional landscaped and large print pages repeat the same information. The three landscaped pages are useful for making overhead transparencies for presentations or for use as posters.

Tips for “GOALS – Focus, Goals, and Materials”


The first one-page chart and the three charts that follow printed in landscape format contain the same information. The charts describe the tractor overturn problem, the Kentucky ROPS project goals and their merit, and the community education materials designed to promote those goals.


The information in these charts can help community leaders, farmers, and those who provide advice and services to farmers to become more aware of:

  • The problem of tractor overturn injury and deaths
  • The specific goals of the Kentucky ROPS Project
  • The types of community education materials and activities available in the notebook

Intended Audience

  • Community and farm leaders who need to know about the project materials and become involved in their use and dissemination
  • Farm community organizations and groups that provide advice and service to farmers and who can help disseminate the materials
  • Businesses and organizations that employ farmers and farm family members who should know about and become involved in the dissemination of the project materials
  • Farmers and farm family members who need to be informed about the problem, the project goals and materials

How to Use These Materials

  • Examine the charts and their messages. Think about how you could use these materials to introduce people and organizations to the project.
  • Use the materials in any of these ways:
    • Print the one-page chart on bright yellow paper. Use it as a handout when you talk to people about the project or when you make a presentation.
    • Prepare overhead transparencies of the landscaped charts and use them to make short 5-minute presentations to community groups.
    • Make paper copies of the landscape the charts and use them for poster displays at farm community meetings, farm businesses, fairs, safety day camps, or other gatherings.
    • Distribute copies of the charts to FFA students, teachers, extension specialists, and others that are involved in farm safety programs so they can help spread the word about the community education project.

Materials Needed

  • Paper copies of the charts from this section of the Notebook
  • Overhead projector transparencies of the three landscape format charts

Discussion Questions and Teaching Points

    1. Why do you think Kentucky farmers die at higher rates from tractor overturns than farmers from other states do?
    2. Do you know someone who overturned a tractor and who was injured or killed?
    3. What materials are included in the KY ROPS notebook and in what ways can they be used to encourage the installation of ROPS and seat belts on farm tractors?
    4. Where and when can you get a ROPS for your tractor? (This is a good time to hand out and go over the flyer titled “How to Get a ROPS and Seat Belt on Your Tractor.”)

Ideas, Notes, and Comments
Use this space to write down your ideas and plans for using the materials.

 (One Page Chart) MS Word File
 (One Page Chart) PDF File

 (Three Page Chart) MS Word File
 (Three Page Chart) PDF File

 Disclaimer and Reproduction Information: Information in NASD does not represent NIOSH policy. Information included in NASD appears by permission of the author and/or copyright holder. More

NASD Review: 04/2002

Developed by the University of Kentucky KY CPHF ROPS Project during 1996-00 with support from CDC/NIOSH Cooperative Agreements U07/CCU408035-05-2 and 06-1 and U06/CCU412900-01, -02, and -03 to the University of Kentucky, Southeast Center for Agricultural Health and Injury Prevention