'info:' URIs
about the
'info' identifier scheme
The NetRef protocol defines a number of object classes;
objects are identified by URIs. Some NetRef identifiers are 'http:'
URIs, others are 'info:' URIs. (There are various authorities assigning
these URIs and there is no specific rule prescribing what URI scheme
is to be used; the authority that defines a URI decides which scheme.)
This page describes 'info:' URIs for NetRef.
Syntax of an NetRef 'info' URIAn NetRef 'info:' URI is of
the form
"info:netref/<object type>/<authority>/<identifier>"
"info:netref/<object type>/<authority>/<identifier>/<schema>"
Object Types
<object type> is a string, from the first column
in the following table (which may be extended):
<authority> is a string assigned by the SRW Maintenance
Agency to an SRW ''info:' sub-authority. Currently the following
are assigned:
As noted above the info URI may include an optional schema (last
component of the URI, and in general for URIs whose object type
component is not 'schema'). Two info URIs with the same identifier
component but different schema
components are different URIs. Examples: