Discocelis saleuta Vørs

Discocelis saleuta

Species recognized by M Guiry, AlgaeBase external link in 
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Discocelis saleuta Vørs


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Discocelis saleuta Discocelis saleuta Discocelis saleuta


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General Description

Description of Discocelis saleuta

Quellen und weitere Informationen

Cells are about 3.5 - 6.5 microns long, disc-shaped, flattened, anteriorly concave and posteriorly convex. Two flagella emerge from a depression on the anterior margin of the cell. The recurrent flagellum trails behind the gliding cell and is slightly longer than the cell. The shorter flagellum is less than 1 microns long, is hard to see and is inactive. The nucleus is located anteriorly in the right half of the cell. There is a line of bodies around the margin of the cell. The cells glide smoothly in closely contact with the substrate.