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Welcome to Pigs, A Sanctuary


FOUNDED IN 1992, PIGS, A SANCTUARY is a place of refuge for abused, abandoned, neglected and unwanted animals. We specialize in the care of potbellied pigs and farm pigs, but shelter other farm and domestic animals as well. The Sanctuary currently provides a safe haven for approximately 400 animals, including potbellied pigs, farm pigs, horses, cats, dogs, goats and many other species.

Typically, animals residing at the Sanctuary have complicated medical and/or emotional needs, a history of abuse and/or neglect, diseases or ailments related to factory farming or genetic engineering and are often considered unadoptable. The Sanctuary serves as a home of last resort for these animals and has played a crucial role in the placement of countless others.

PIGS exposes the cruelties of the exotic and farm animal industries through our tours, events, speaking engagements and work with government and private entities. We also provide vital information to shelter workers, veterinarians and potbellied pig owners.

PIGS, INC., a Sanctuary is a nonprofit animal sanctuary. Because we are a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, donations to the Sanctuary are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law.

For information on adopting one of our wonderful residents, visit:

All Donations can be mailed to our secure lock box at:

PIGS Sanctuary
PO Box 827204
Philadelphia, PA 19182-7204




















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