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Good Neighbors

Sweeney shows NRCS Soil Conservationist Ryan Gerlich how  pumps work to provide water to cows in three of seven paddocks -- Mike Sweeney used a tile line from his pond and an ag waterway to animal powered nose pumps (NRCS photo by Jason Johnson – click to enlarge)

(above left) Sweeney shows NRCS Soil Conservationist Ryan Gerlich how  pumps work to provide water to cows in three of seven paddocks -- Mike Sweeney used a tile line from his pond and an ag waterway to animal powered nose pumps (NRCS photo by Jason Johnson – click to enlarge)

After Mike Sweeney signed an Environmental Quality Incentives Program contract to install a multi-paddock rotational grazing system on his 70-acre pasture, he needed two livestock crossings his for cows to access Camp Creek from each paddock.  Mike and his neighbor John Olmstead — who had recently signed a similar
contract — agreed on access routes that ran through both the Polk County, Iowa, cattlemen’s properties.

The best location for one of their livestock crossings was on the property line.  “We had been discussing it for about a year or two,” said Sweeney.  “I approached John about doing a double-wide crossing and we agreed on a shared livestock crossing.”

Construction on the shared livestock crossing was completed in 2006. NRCS Soil Conservationist Ryan Gerlich says Sweeney and Olmstead installed an impressive crossing.  “By working together to combine resources, Mike and John built a Cadillac livestock crossing at about 80 percent of the cost of constructing two separate crossings.”

Olmstead said it took a lot of dirt work to construct the crossing, but in the end it made sense.  “It saves us money and the boundary between our two farms was the logical place to put a crossing,” he said.

Iowa grassland

Learn more about  NRCS in Iowa.

Olmstead said he appreciates his neighbor.  “A lot of people don’t want to spend money on these fencing projects and conservation projects,” he said. “Having a neighbor who will work with you and get something done is valuable.  Mike’s a good neighbor.”
Your contact is Jason Johnson, NRCS public affairs specialist, at 515-323-2701.


Why rotational grazing?

this double-wide livestock crossing on the Sweeney-Olmstead property line was constructed last year, so both herds can utilize it -- heavy rains in early may caused some rock to wash away and sediment runoff (NRCS photo by Jason Johnson – click to enlarge)

this double-wide livestock crossing on the Sweeney-Olmstead property line was constructed last year, so both herds can utilize it -- heavy rains in early may caused some rock to wash away and sediment runoff (NRCS photo by Jason Johnson – click to enlarge)

The 52 year-old Sweeney entered the cattle business just six years ago.  He’s currently a cattleman on the side, working full-time for Mid-American Energy Company. Sweeney learned fast that rotational grazing is the best way to get more production from his 70 acres.

“My goal is to get more production.  If I could add 30 to 50 percent more cows, that would be really cool,” he said.  “With the (multi-paddock) system, I can see that I am getting full utilization of the grass.  Before, I wasn’t making good use of the forage.”  Sweeney currently rotates his 25 cows through seven paddocks.  He hopes to add a few more paddocks by switching crop and hay ground to pasture and steadily increase his herd.

Olmstead has about 40 cows on his 75 acres of pasture. He had been doing some rotational grazing.  His entire paddock system is set be completed this summer. “This new fencing will fine-tune the rotations,” he said.  “When I get all of the fencing in, it will be more of an intensive grazing program.”

Other benefits of multi-paddock rotational grazing include:
• allowing pastures to rest and re-grow;
• providing for a longer grazing season reducing winter feed;
• more evenly distributing manure throughout the paddocks;
• controlling weeds and brush naturally;
• increasing (usually) stocking rates; and
• livestock seem more content.

Watering System
Along with the initial cost for fencing materials, another challenge to establishing rotational grazing is the cost of supplying a water source to cows in each paddock.  Sweeney used the two crossings over Camp Creek to provide water to four paddocks.  In the other three, he was able to utilize a tile line that runs from his pond and a tile line that runs from his nearby agricultural waterway to install animal-powered nose pumps.

This past winter was the first time Sweeney’s cows used the nose pumps.  “It takes no energy to heat and no energy to run the pumps,” he said.  “After a little bit of ‘training’ the cows used this water really well. It worked just great!”

Fencing Off Camp Creek
With his new multi-paddock system, Sweeney fenced out about 26 acres of creek and forestland, an area where his cows used to wander.  But he believes in protecting the creek from further pollution and bank erosion.  “I can already see, just this spring, changes happening on the stream banks,” he said.  “I can also locate the cattle much easier during critical management times.”