
Media Catalogue

View EOL Media hits since May 2007


Living List: World-Wide Web of Life, by Paul Gleason
(Harvard Magazine, November-December, 2008)


An Interview With E.O. Wilson, the Father of the Encyclopedia of Life, by David Pogue
(New York Times, October, 2008)


Life Lines, by G. Wayne Clough
(Smithsonian magazine, October, 2008)


The Power of Community to Save the Planet, by Pam Baker
(LinuxInsider, September, 2008)


Microsoft launches free Photosynth for combining shots into one picture, by Benjamin J. Romano
(The Seattle Times, August, 2008)


Necessary pests, by Helen Altonn
(Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August, 2008)


Tap into power of partners, by Marilee Crocker
(Cape Cod Times, August, 2008)


By the people, by Leon Gettler
(The Sydney Morning Herald, August, 2008)


30% of all marine species don’t exist – 1 million do
(Wildlife Extra UK, July, 2008)


Start Writing the Eulogies for Print Encyclopedias, by Noam Cohen
(New York Times, March, 2008)


Now You can Help Write the Encyclopedia of Life
(Deutsche Welle, March, 2008)


A 'Book' on Every Living Thing, by Susan Milius
(Science News for Kids, March, 2008)


Without Bounds, by Kelli Whitlock Burton
(Science, March, 2008)


Encyclopedia of Life to be published online, by Jonathan Leake
(The Sunday Times, February, 2008)


The Encyclopedia of Life, No Bookshelf Required, by Carl Zimmer
(New York Times, February, 2008)


The first chapter of book of life goes live, by Emma Marris
(Nature, February, 2008)


Biological Moon Shot, by Susan Milius
(Science News, February, 2008)


The Encyclopedia of Life: a website for each species, by Graham Higley
(Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, December, 2007)


Taxonomy: The Collector, by Brendan Maher
(Nature, September, 2007)


That's Life, by Edward O. Wilson
(New York Times, September, 2007)


Life on the Web: A site for every species on Earth, by Cristián Samper
(Smithsonian magazine, July, 2007)


A Website for Every Species on Earth, by Graham Higley
(Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, December, 2007)


Encyclopedias of Life: From Diderot to the Yeti Crab, by Gerald Weissmann
(The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Journal, Volume 21, 2007)


The Encyclopedia of Life, by Edward O. Wilson
(Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Volume 18, 2003)



CBS Sunday Morning Segment on the EOL
(October, 2008)


TED Community Responds to E. O. Wilson's Wish
(March, 2008)


EOL on Media Mulch
(March 11, 2008)


ABC News Webcast
(February 28, 2008)


NOVA: E.O. Wilson - Lord of the Ants
(May, 2008)


A conversation with Chris Anderson, Curator of TED Conference
(Charlie Rose, February 18, 2008)


The Encyclopedia of Life, video demo
(May, 2007)


E. O. Wilson TED Prize Wish
(March, 2007)


EOL on MSN's Connected Life
Connected Life: Encyclopedia of Life