Center for Atmospheric Science
Illinois State Water Survey
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Boundary Layer/Mesoscale Meteorology
David Kristovich

Lake-ICE Photos    
Much of the weather that affects a community is controlled by local atmospheric winds (mesoscale circulations) and by interactions between the atmosphere and the earth's surface within the lowest portions of the atmosphere (the atmospheric boundary layer). The Boundary Layer and Mesoscale Meteorology group is involved in a wide range of studies in these areas, focusing on both basic scientific research and efforts on specific applied Boundary Layer/Mesoscale Meteorology areas (hazardous weather, snow forecasting techniques, societal and economic impacts). As one notable example, during the fall and winter, very severe, local snowstorms are regularly generated over the Great Lakes, and affect communities close to their shorelines. During the winter of 1997/1998, ISWS helped lead a major field project, called the Lake-Induced Convection Experiment (Lake-ICE), to collect an unprecedented dataset on this phenomenon. Lake-ICE was sponsored by the National Science Foundation and involved the efforts of nearly 100 participants from 22 institutions in the United States (universities, research organizations, National Center for Atmospheric Research, National Severe Storms Laboratory and University of Illinois).
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Last Modified: September 18, 2008

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