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QPU April 2002

  Details for CMS-2104-F

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File Name CMS-2104-F
Subject Medicaid Managed Care: New Provisions
Publication/Implementation Date 06/14/2002
Quarterly Release Date 04/01/2002
Provider Type Medicaid
Type of Regulation Regulations Published This Quarter
Regulation Summary This final rule amends the Medicaid regulations to implement provisions of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA) that allow the States greater flexibility by permitting them to amend their State plan to require certain categories of Medicaid beneficiaries to enroll in managed care entities without obtaining waivers if beneficiary choice is provided; establish new beneficiary protections in areas such as quality assurance, grievance rights, and coverage of emergency services; and eliminate certain requirements viewed by State agencies as impediments to the growth of managed care programs, such as, the enrollment composition requirement, the right to disenroll without cause at any time, and the prohibition against enrollee cost-sharing.
Additional Information N/A



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