National Institute for Literacy

Taylor Tackles PD and Communities of Practice in the Current Issue of Adult Basic Education and Literacy Journal

Tapping Online Professional Development Through Communities of Practice
Adult Basic Education and Literacy Journal, Fall 2008 (PDF - 513KB)

Since 1995, the Institute's Discussion Lists have served as trusted online resources for adult literacy practitioners. In the fall 2008 issue of the Adult Basic Education and Literacy Journal, Jackie Taylor writes about professional development through Communities of Practice using examples from the Institute 's Discussion Lists. Taylor moderates the Adult Literacy Professional Development Discussion List, co-sponsored by the the Institute and the Association of Adult Literacy Professional Developers. She began moderating the list at its inception in 2003, bringing the subscription base from approximately 70 subscribers to nearly 1,000 in 2008.

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Last updated: Tuesday, 16-Dec-2008 08:34:40 EST