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NUCMC (National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections) Library of Congress
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Online Data Sheet for Participating Institutions

1. Provide location information

2. Provide computer database information (if any)

Does your repository catalog manuscripts on a computer database?

(NB: Repositories that catalog in OCLC WorldCat are ineligible for participation in NUCMC)

3. Provide contact person for your repository's collections


Enter full form of name:

i.e. person (full name, birth and death dates), family, business, society,
governmental agency, or some other corporate body


Identify relationship of the above to the collection:


5. Provide collection name and dates (MARC 245)


6. Provide collection size information


7. Provide name and relationship to other collections (if any) (MARC 500)


8. Describe form(s) of reproduction of collection items (if any) (MARC 500)

(e.g.: transcripts, photocopies, positive or negative microfilm)

9. Describe the career or activities of the principal person, family, or corporate body (MARC 545)

10. Provide a description of scope and content of collection (MARC 520)

11. Provide the nature of the acquisition (gift, permanent deposit, etc.) (MARC 541)

12. Provide a categorization of the access to the collection by researchers (MARC 506)

-- :

13. Provide citation to published/unpublished guides (MARC 555)

Is there any published or unpublished descripition, guide, index, calendar, etc.,
available in the repository for this collection?


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  The Library of Congress >> Cataloging
  May 13, 2005
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