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NUCMC (National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections) Library of Congress
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Search OCLC WorldCat (Manuscript materials)

The Library of Congress provides a gateway for searching OCLC WorldCat (Manuscript materials) -- nearly 1.5 million catalog records describing archival and manuscript collections and individual manuscripts in public, college and university, and special libraries located throughout North America and around the world. Access to this gateway is made available courtesy of OCLC, Inc.

Four Search Forms for the OCLC Manuscript Materials

1. Simple Search Form (word list) -- titles, notes, and subject fields

2. Simple Search Form (word list) -- all names fields

3. Simple Search Form (left-anchored phrase) -- all names fields

4. Advanced Search Form

Searching Instructions and Hints

What a Catalog Search Will Retrieve

The Library of Congress only provides searching access to the following materials in OCLC WorldCat: archival and manuscript collections; mixed materials (i.e., collections that contain two or more different types of bibliographic materials); and bibliographic materials that have been described using archival descriptive rules. The Library does not provide "free" access to search books or other types of material in OCLC WorldCat.

Current Search Gateway Limitations

Diacritics and Special Characters returned to the gateway by the Z39.50 server are currently not being converted to character representations that can be displayed correctly in HTML.

Requesting Additional Records from Result Set is possible (after the initial search response) when using this gateway. When the initial search response is viewed, note the number of records that have been returned (e.g., 10), return to the search form. Enter the search again, but alter the value in "First Record to View" (in this case, set the value to "10"), and send the search again.

A 5-minute Inactivity Timeout. Please select "reinitialize" to get a a refreshed copy of the search form.

Bookmarking of the search form itself is not possible; please bookmark this page instead. If the search form is bookmarked and it times out, you cannot reinitialize your search (more information ....)


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  The Library of Congress >> Cataloging
  October 26, 2007
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