Information Collected in the 1994-96, 1998 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals |
Food- and nutrient-related:
- 2 nonconsecutive days of dietary intake using in-person 24-hour recalls.
- Food intakes in grams: by food item and by ARS-defined food groups and subgroups.
- Servings from 30 food groups defined according to Food Guide Pyramid criteria.
- Intakes of food energy and 52 dietary components (including 19 individual fatty acids).
- Intakes of food energy and 15 nutrients as percentages of the 1989 RDAs.
- Identification of foods eaten in combinations.
- Whether or not salt was used in the preparation of each food.
- Whether the amount of food eaten yesterday was about usual, less than usual, or more than usual and the reason if an unusual amount of intake was reported.
Sources of food:
- Where was the item obtained: store, restaurant, fast food place ....(more).
- Was the food item eaten at home?
- Was the food item ever at your home before you ate it?
- Sources of water used for cooking, in preparing beverages, and as plain drinking water.
- Amount of plain drinking water drunk yesterday.
Eating occasion:
- Time of eating occasion.
- Name of eating occasion: breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, supper, food and/or beverage break, infant feeding, other.
Food program:
- Food Stamp Program: Participation now and last 12 months, value of food stamps, when food stamps were last received, and household members eligible at time of survey.
- School Lunch/Breakfast Programs: payment (full, reduced price, free) and frequency of participation for household members 5 through 18 years; participation in child care programs providing meals or snacks for household members 1 through 5 years.
- WIC Program: Participation by individual and length of participation.
Food sufficiency:
- Is the food eaten in your household: Enough of the kinds of food we want, enough but not always the kinds of food we want, sometimes not enough to eat, often not enough to eat?
- If not enough, reason why household did not have enough.
- Number of days last month did not have food or money to buy food.
- Which of last 3 months household did not have enough.
Food shopping practices:
- Frequency of shopping and type of store.
- Amount spent at grocery stores, on nonfood items, at specialty stores, and at fast food or carryout places for food brought into the home. Amount of money spent for food bought and eaten away from home.
- Planning, shopping, and preparing for meals: Which household members do these tasks?
- Dieting status: Individuals on diets; type, source, and reason for diet.
- Vitamin and mineral supplements: Individuals taking supplements, type, and frequency.
- Other supplements: fish oil, fiber.
- Self-assessed height and weight; body mass index.
- Smoking behavior, self-assessed health status, food allergies, physician-diagnosed diseases, frequency of consumption of alcohol and of selected fruits, vegetables, and meat group items.
- Salt added at table and frequency of use.
- Activity level: Frequency of vigorous exercise and number of hours of television or videotapes watched yesterday.
Individual (person):
- Age, sex, race, ethnic origin (Hispanic).
- Education level for all household members 15 years and older.
- Work status for all household members 15 years and older: occupation, number of hours worked last week, usual hours worked, reason not working.
- Pregnancy or lactation status; breastfeeding status of children 3 years old or less.
- Region: Northeast, Midwest, South, and West.
- Urbanization: Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)--central city, MSA--outside central city, nonMSA.
- Household size and composition.
- Income: last year's household income before taxes, income as a percentage of the poverty thresholds, last month's income by source, savings or cash assets under $5,000.
- Tenancy.
- Day-1 sampling weights: final 4-year and 3-year weights and a weight for each year: 1994, 1995, 1996, and 1998.
- 2-day sampling weights: final 4-year and 3-year weights and a weight for each year: 1994, 1995, 1996, and 1998.
- Day of week of intake.
- Month of intake.
- Variance-estimation stratum.
- Variance-estimation unit.