United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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2004 Selected Speeches and Articles

of Interest to NRCS Employees and Partners

December 15, 2004
"Diversity in NRCS Services and Employment," remarks at the Twelfth Annual Training Conference of the National Organization of Professional Black Natural Resources Conservation Service Employees Sacramento, CA (Richard I. Coombe, Regional Assistant Chief—East, NRCS)

December 8, 2004
"Reducing Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions Through Voluntary Action," Remarks at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Tenth Session of the Conference of Parties, (U.S. Government Side Event) Buenos Aires, Argentina (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

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Power Point DocumentChief Knight's presentation at the Tenth Session of the Conference of Parties (20979.50KB)

November 16, 2004
"Nurturing a New Industry," remarks at the Technical Service Provider Assistance Training Conference, Reno, NV (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

November 4, 2004

"Celebrating America’s First Farmers," remarks at the NRCS 2004 National American Indian Heritage Month Opening Ceremony, Washington, DC (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

October 21, 2004
"Energy Management and the Conservation Security Program," Remarks at the Conservation Security Program Energy Management Dialogue, St. Louis Missouri (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

October 15, 2004
"World Food Day and Biodiversity for Food Safety," Final remarks at the Celebration of the 59th World Food Day and the USDA Seminar on Food Security (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

October 13, 2004
"A Job Well Done," remarks at the Conservation Security Program Debriefing, St. Louis, MO (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

October 7, 2004
"Wetlands are Making Gains!" remarks at the Cascade Brook Salt Marsh Restoration Dedication Ceremony, Scarborough, ME (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

October 6, 2004
"A Bright Future for Conservation on America’s Working Lands," remarks at the National EQIP Training Meeting, St. Louis, MO (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

September 30, 2004
"NRCS: Helping Create a Better Future for Fish and Wildlife" extended version of remarks at the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

September 28, 2004
"Agriculture and Water in the West: What does the Future Hold?" Remarks at the "Western Water Supply Challenges: How do Western States Plan to meet Expected Water Shortages?" Meeting Salt Lake City, UT (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

September 28, 2004
"Fiftieth Anniversary of Watershed Program: Rehabilitation of White Tanks number 3 flood control structure" Phoenix, Arizona (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

September 14, 2004
"Cooperative Conservation; An Effort by All, for All" Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of State Conservation Agencies, Grand Rapids, MI (Bruce Knight, Chief, NRCS)

August 26-27, 2004
"Rewarding the Best, Motivating the Rest," generalized version of remarks delivered at Conservation Security Program Contract Signing Ceremonies in participating watersheds around the nation (several U.S. Department of Agriculture Officials)

August 4, 2004
“Supporting America's Farmers and Conserving America's Land” Remarks at the the Katzenmeyer Family Farm, Le Sueur, Minnesota (George W. Bush, President of the United States)

August 2, 2004
"Implementing the New Farm Bill: Year Three," remarks at the National Association of Conservation Districts Northeastern Regional Meeting, Burlington, VT (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

July 13, 2004
"Diversity in NRCS Services and Employment," Remarks at the American Indian/Alaska Native Employees Association for NRCS American Indian Program Delivery Conference Verona, NY (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

June 25, 2004
"Conservation through Hard Work," Remarks at the NRCS Honor Awards Ceremony Washington, DC (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

June 23, 2004
"Ethanol: One Key to Energy Independence." Remarks at the 20th Annual International Fuel Ethanol Workshop and Trade Show, Madison, WI (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

June 22, 2004
"Progress in Diversity." Remarks at the National Organization of Professional Hispanic Natural Resources Conservation Service Employees 11th Annual Training Conference, Sacramento, CA (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

June 7, 2004
"The Conservation Programs of the Future" remarks at the CRP: Planting for the Future Conference, Fort Collins, CO (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

May 24, 2004

"Building Better Lives along the Border" Remarks at the U.S.-Mexico Border Coalition of RC&D Councils Annual Conference, Las Cruces, NM (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

May 20, 2004
"Making a Difference for Wetlands" Remarks at the National Wetlands Awards Ceremony, Washington, DC (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

April 27, 2004
"Doing the Right Thing" Remarks at the Federal Grants & Agreements Training Conference, New Orleans, LA (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

April 22, 2004
“President Announces Wetlands Initiative on Earth Day," Remarks at the Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, Wells, ME (President George W. Bush)

April 22, 2004
Earth Day Remarks at the Timberline Salvage Project, Kane, PA (Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman)

April 22, 2004
Key Messages for Earth Day from Mark Rey, USDA Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment and Bruce Knight, Chief Natural Resources Conservation Service

April 7, 2004
Verbal Statement of Mark Rey, Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment, USDA, to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development and Related Agencies

March 17, 2004
"CSP: A Revolution in Conservation" Remarks at the NRCS National Leadership Team Meeting, Washington, DC (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

March 16, 2004
Remarks at the National Association of Conservation Districts Spring Legislative Conference. Washington, DC (Ann M. Veneman, Secretary of Agriculture)

March 15, 2004
"The Conservation Security Program: A Revolution in Conservation"
Remarks at the National Association of Conservation Districts Spring Legislative Conference, Washington, DC
(Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

March 15, 2004
"A Growing Investment in Conservation," remarks at the Joint Wheat Industry Meeting
Washington, DC
(Gary A. Margheim, Special Assistant to the Chief, NRCS)

March 3, 2004
"The Partnerships for Livestock Environmental Management Assessment Systems Project: New Tools for Producers," Remarks at the National Forum on Agricultural Environmental Management Systems, Arlington, VA (Bruce I., Knight, Chief, NRCS)

February 13, 2004
"Conservation Access for Every Farmer," Remarks at the 21st Annual Small Farmers Conference, Marketing and Trade Show, Albany, GA (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

February 13, 2004
Remarks at the Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund
Farmer Marketing & Trade Show, Albany, GA
(James R. Little, Administrator, Farm Service Agency)

February 3, 2004
More, Faster, Better: The Path to Resource Driven and Locally Led Conservation -- The 21st Century NRCS," Remarks at the 58th Annual Meeting of the National Association of Conservation Districts, Waikoloa, HI (Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

February 2, 2004
"The Conservation Operations Program A Primary Building Block,"
Remarks at the Conservation Operations Panel, 58th Annual Meeting, National Association of Conservation Districts, Waikoloa, HI
(Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

January 29, 2004
"CAFO Rule Implementation: How can USDA Help,"
Remarks at the International Poultry Expo, Atlanta, GA.
(Mack Gray, Deputy Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment, USDA)

January 20, 2004
"Conservation and Profitability: Farmers and Ranchers Can Have Both"
Remarks at the Legislative Agricultural Chairs Summit, New Orleans, LA

(Bruce I. Knight, Chief, NRCS)

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