Illinois State Water Survey
2204 Griffith Dr
Champaign, IL 61820-7495
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Online Survey Data:Data Disclaimer     
							 Water Survey Rain Check Network Rain Check Network
 (not official ISWS data)

Weather & Agricultural

Water and Atmospheric Resources Monitoring Program

Agricultural Data

Soil Temperatures

Growing Degree Days

Pest Degree Days

Soil Moisture Summary

Weather Data

Alternative Crops Suitability Maps

Midwestern Regional Climate Center Climate Watch

Illinois Climate Network Data

Illinois State Climatologist Data

Illinois Water and Climate Summaries

Arcola Data Station

Bondville Environmental and Atmospheric Research Site (BEARS)

Streamflow & Flood

7-Day 10-Year Low Flow Maps

1993 Flood Buyout Maps

1993 Flood Data

Flood Discharge Database

Floodplain Model Inventory

Illinois Streamflow Assessment Model

Provisional Monthly Flow Data

Benchmark Sediment Monitoring Program

Watershed Monitoring Data


Illinois Drought

Illinois State Climatologist - Drought in Illinois

Groundwater & Wells

Private Wells Database

Shallow Groundwater Levels Data

Atmosphere & Precipitation Chemistry

National Atmospheric Deposition Program

Illinois Climate Network Data

Cook County Precipitation Network Data

Imperial Valley Precipitation Network Data

Boneyard Network

Decision Support

Illinois Rivers Decision Support System

Contacts for Additional Data:     


Floodplain & Surface Water Information - Bill Saylor, Center for Watershed Science, (217) 333-0447 -

Floodplain Map Modernization - Sally McConkey, Center for Watershed Science, (217) 333-5482 -

Geographical Information System Services - Phil Graff, Office of the Director, (217) 244-0904 -

Groundwater Information & Aquifer Testing Services, Ken Hlinka, Center for Groundwater Science, (217) 333-8431,

Library - Ashleigh Perry, Office of the Director, (217) 333-4956 -

Midwestern Regional Climate Center - Steve Hilberg, Center for Atmospheric Science, (217) 333-8495 -

Service Climatologists - Maria Peters and Alan Black, Midwestern Regional Climate Center, Center for Atmospheric Science, (217) 244-8226 -

State Climatologist - Jim Angel, Center for Atmospheric Science, (217) 333-0729 -

Surface Water Monitoring & Stream Gauging Data - Laura Keefer, Center for Watershed Science, (217) 333-3468 -

Water Analyses - Brian Kaiser, Center for Chemistry & Technology, (217) 333-9234 or (217) 333-0802 -

Water & Atmospheric Resources Monitoring Program - Bob Scott, Office of the Director, (217) 333-4966 -

Well Records - Susie Dodd, Center for Groundwater Science, (217) 333-9043 -



ISWS Illinois Maps page
Geographic Information Systems
Distribution of Arsenic in the Mahomet Aquifer of Central Illinois, USA
7-Day 10-Year Low Flow Maps
Free Watersheds Map!
Other Sources of Data:     


College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES)
Department of Atmospheric Sciences: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Illinois Department of Agriculture
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA)
Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
US Department of Energy (DOE)

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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

All files and information © 2009 Illinois State Water Survey. Terms of use.
Email the Web Administrator with questions or comments.
Last Modified: October 21, 2008

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