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Cabbage, Chinese

Celery cabbage, Wong Bok, Pe-Tsai, Bok Choy, Repollo chino, Peking cabbage, Kim chee

Cruciferae Brassica campestris L. (Pekinensis group)

Source: Magness et al. 1971

The general growth habit of Chinese cabbage is similar to cabbage, but both leaves and heads are elongated and relatively narrow. Heads are less densely packed, and leaves are much thinner than in cabbage. Heads range from densely packed (Wong Bok or Chee-foo) to semi- or loose-heading (Shantung or Santo) varieties. As with cabbage, initial leaves are somewhat spreading. These, as well as leaves immediately surrounding the edible portion, are usually discarded. The Wong Bok type head is up to 20 inches long and 4 inches wide and is quite dense. The Chinese word "Bok Choy" refers to all leaf-heading vegetables.

Production in U.S.: 1,200 acres reported 1959 census. Possibly 10,000 tons.

Use: Fresh, as salad or as pot herb.

Parts of plant consumed: Inner leaves.

Last update February 18, 1999 by ch