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Big trefoil

Leguminosae Lotus pedunculatus Cav.

Source: Magness et al. 1971

In general appearance big trefoil resembles birdsfoot trefoil, but its range of adaptation is quite different. It is much less winter hardy so is adapted only to humid areas with mild winters. It is grown mostly in western Oregon but also is promising for the Southeastern States. It tolerates submergence and grows well on wet, poorly drained soil. It spreads by underground stems. The root system is shallow. It can be grown in combination with sod-forming grasses, competing well with them. It is high in palatability, both as pasturage and as hay. Seed inoculation is important in establishing plantings. While less important nationally than birdsfoot trefoil, it is a valuable crop for special areas.

Last update February 18, 1999 by ch