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You are here: Home / Government and Professional Resources / Legislation, Regulations, Policies, and Guidelines 
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Government and Professional Resources
In the News
United States Capitol building
This section provides access to federal laws, regulations, policies, and guidelines as they apply to specific animal species and licensing and registration of facilities. Click here for international laws, guidances, and codes of practice.
USDA Extends Comment Period on Proposed Contingency Plan Requirement for Animals Regulated Under the Animal Welfare Act
Jan. 05, 2009 -- The U.S. Department of Agriculture is extending the comment period for our proposed rule that would amend the Animal Welfare Act regulations to add requirements for contingency planning and training of personnel by research facilities and by dealers, exhibitors, intermediate handlers and carriers. This action will allow interested persons additional time to prepare and submit comments.

Brief Summaries of Federal Animal Protection Statutes  (PDF|112 KB)
The Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.
This document provides summaries of federal animal protection statutes and was last updated in February 2006.
Animal Welfare Act as Amended (7 USC, 2131-2159)
The AWA requires that minimum standards of care and treatment be provided for certain animals bred for commercial sale, used in research, transported commercially, or exhibited to the public. Individuals who operate facilities in these categories must provide their animals with adequate care and treatment in the areas of housing, handling, sanitation, nutrition, water, veterinary care, and protection from extreme weather and temperatures.
Animal Welfare Regulations

The following links provide access to Parts 1 and 2 of the animal welfare regulations that apply to all regulated or licensed animal facilities. Part 3 - Standards can be found in the right hand navigation listed under specific animal groups.


Last Modified: Jan 5, 2009  
Government and Professional Resources
    Common Questions
    Federal Agencies
    Legislation, Regulations, Policies, and Guidelines
					   Laboratory Animals
					   Farm Animals
					   Exhibition Animals
					   Companion Animals
					   Service and Working Animals
    Inspections and Compliance
    State and Local Laws
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