Forest Service ShieldUnited States Department of Agriculture - Forest Service

Southern Research StationSouthern Research Station
200 Weaver Boulevard
P.O. Box 2680
Asheville, NC 28802
Date:   March 29, 2006
News Release Contact: Perdita Spriggs


Southern Research Station Names - Assistant Director for Science Delivery

ASHEVILLE - Southern Research Station (SRS) Director Pete Roussopoulos recently announced the selection of Carol Whitlock as the new Assistant Station Director for Science Delivery. The position, located at Station headquarters in Asheville, will provide management direction for communication strategies and technology transfer for a region that spans 13 States. Whitlock has a B.S. in technical writing and editing with a chemistry specialization from Carnegie-Mellon University and currently serves as Communications Team Leader for SRS.

"I'm excited about this new opportunity," said Whitlock, who has worked in research and development most of her professional career, which includes more than a decade in the private sector and 18 years with the agency. "Sharing our research and making it relevant to current issues is extremely important. We want our customers to truly understand our work and be able to apply it to everyday life. My enthusiasm for bringing science into a broader context began in college and continues today, whether working regionally with extension foresters, nationally with my agency colleagues, or internationally with the International Union of Forest Science Research Organizations task force on public relations."

"This new position will add a stronger emphasis on science delivery, which is critical to the Station's overall mission," said Roussopoulos. "Carol's expertise, coupled with her natural resource knowledge, will definitely strengthen and increase public and private understanding of our research and the results they produce."

Whitlock's new responsibilities are essential to the long range planning of the Station's research and development programs, and to their effectiveness in making a positive contribution to society.

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