Forest Service ShieldUnited States Department of Agriculture - Forest Service

Southern Research StationSouthern Research Station
200 Weaver Boulevard
P.O. Box 2680
Asheville, NC 28802

Date:   October 11, 2002
Science Contact:  
News Release Contact: Terry Haines

New Online Database of Wildfire Hazard Mitigation Programs Information 

(New Orleans) The USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station, in cooperation with Louisiana State University and the Southern Regional Extension Forestry office, is developing an online database of information about wildfire mitigation programs. The database highlights the wide-range of policies and programs States and high fire-risk communities have adopted to address hazardous fuel conditions on private property. The Web site is designed to serve as a base of knowledge for fire protection officials, community leaders, policy makers, educators, residents and others with an interest in wildfire mitigation. For the first time, there is a central location describing the fire protection programs that communities across the country have adopted in an effort to reduce fuel accumulations on private property. 

Fire protection programs are organized on the Web site under the broad topics of education, defensible space demonstration projects, homeowner assistance, wildfire hazard risk assessment and mapping; and regulatory programs including State laws, local ordinances, regulations, and guidelines. In addition, the programs are categorized by jurisdiction of administration including State, county, city/town, and fire district. These categories facilitate more refined Web site searches for users. Index listings of programs by State and by program topic area are provided on the Web site to assist users, as well.

The Web site currently describes 125 programs in 20 States. More information about programs in additional States will be added in the coming months. The Web site is intended to be dynamic with continued updates and additions occurring over the coming years.

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For additional information about the Web site, contact: Terry Haines at 985-867-9164; Southern Research Station, Forest Resource Law and Socio-Economics Unit, New Orleans, LA. E-mail:

Visit the Southern Research Station Web site at: /  
Visit the Southern Region Extension Forestry Web site at: 

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