Pest Tracker
National Agricultural Pest Information System
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  • National CAPS Committee

    The NCC represents CAPS cooperators at the national and state level and provides guidance for the Pest Detection program.

  • State Plant Regulatory Officals

    State Plant Regulatory Officials are members of the National Plant Board, oversee state level pest detection and regulatory activities and coordinate survey activities between government agencies, public and private sector organizations. SPROs coordinate the state's initial emergency response if an exotic pest is detected.

  • State Survey Coordinators

    State Survey Coordinators are the primary CAPS contacts in their states. SSCs coordinate annual survey planning, execution and reporting as well as community outreach activities.

  • State Plant Health Directors

    State Plant Health Directors direct federal APHIS-PPQ pest detection and regulatory activities in cooperation with state officials. SPHDs coordinate the initial PPQ emergency response if an exotic pest is detected in the state.

  • Pest Survey Specialists

    Pest Survey Specialists provide technical support to the State Survey Coordinators in planning, executing and reporting annual surveys and coordinate pest detection activities with neighboring states.