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Annual Checklist Instructions | Print |
These are the instructions for database custodians to contribute to the Annual Checklist.

The Catalogue of Life is interested in all data defined in our Standard Dataset document. However, please note that we do not require our data providers to prepare their data in our format prior to sending. We are pleased to receive data in a format convenient to you. The table below lists the fields required for the Annual Checklist.

Table Number Table Name Field Names
 1Accepted Names 1    ID
2    Kingdom (if available in your database)
3    Phylum (if available in your database)
4    Class (if available in your database)
5    Order (if available in your database)
6    SuperFamilyName (if available in your database)
7    Family
8    Genus
9    Species
10   AuthorString
11   InfraSpecies
12   InfraSpMarker
13   InfraSpecificAuthorString
14   GSDNameStatus
15   Sp2000NameStatus
16   Distribution
17   OccurrenceStatus
18   AdditionalData
19   Specialist
20   ScrutinyDate
21   SpeciesURL
 2Synonyms 1    ID
2    AcceptedName_ID
3    Genus
4    Species
5    AuthorString
6    InfraSpecies
7    InfraSpMarker
8    InfraSpecificAuthorString
9    GSDNameStatus
10   Sp2000NameStatus
 3Common Names 1    ID
2    CommonName
3    Country
4    Language
5    ReferenceID
 4Reference(s) 1    ReferenceID
2    Author(s)
3    Year
4    Title
5    Details
 5Scientific Name References 1    ID
2    Reference Type
3    ReferenceID
 6Source Database 1    TaxonomicCoverage
2    DatabaseShortName
3    DatabaseFullName
4    DatabaseVersion
5    ReleaseDate
6    HomeURL
7    SearchURL
8    LogoURL
9    StandardAbstract
10  Custodian
11  Author(s)/Editor(s)

Please send us data in any of the following Species 2000 workable data formats (examples of which can be found here ):

  • Delimited text
  • MS Excel
  • MS Access and MS Access supported formats
  • MS SQL
  • MySQL
  • Open Office

Files should be archived as ZIP, GZip or RAR files to reduce their size prior to sending.  Files should be sent via email (if less than 5Mb) or CD-ROM to the Species 2000 Secretariat.  Alternatively if you have access to an FTP server please email the Secretariat the URL and login information if applicable. 

Luvie Paglinawan, 4 August 2008


Last Updated ( Tuesday, 05 August 2008 )
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