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Food Security & Hunger

The growth rate in world food production has surpassed population growth, meaning more food available per person. But this abundance is distributed unevenly. Many low-income countries have difficulty producing enough food, but more common is inequality of food consumption within countries. ERS analyzes the availability and distribution of food supplies in developing countries and the effectiveness of international food aid programs.


Food Security Assessment, 2007—This report projects that the food security situation in 70 developing countries will deteriorate over the next decade. The estimates also indicate that the number of food-insecure people for these countries rose between 2006 and 2007, from 849 million to 982 million. Food and fuel price hikes, coupled with a slowdown in global economic growth, hinder long-term food security progress.

Fifty Years of U.S. Food Aid and Its Role in Reducing World Hunger—Most poor countries do not have the financial resources to support national food safety net programs and so they depend on international food aid. Differing objectives in food aid programs, lack of consistency among donors' approaches to food aid, and changes in the types of food donated are some factors that can limit the effectiveness of food aid.

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