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Rural Industry

Agriculture now plays only a small role in most rural economies and most farm households depend on employment outside of agriculture to supplement farm income. ERS analyzes industrial structure and change in rural areas and the consequences for rural community growth and well-being. ERS also looks at a broad range of community characteristics (population education levels, natural amenities, and urban proximity, for example) associated with economic growth with a view toward understanding which development strategies may be most effective.


Recreation, Tourism, and Rural Well-Being—While some suggest that recreation means low-pay, part-time, services sector jobs, this research finds that rural recreation counties have relatively favorable employment conditions and earnings. Some recreation areas, however, suffer from high housing costs and/or higher crime rates.

County economic typology—U.S. counties are categorized by their major economic activities, including farming, mining, manufacturing, Federal/state government, services, and "nonspecialized." This information updates earlier economic typologies.

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