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Farm Household Well-being

An economic assessment of farm household well-being includes both household income and wealth. The level of household wealth affects the ability of farm households to maintain consumption expenditures in times of income shortfall, to secure credit, and to transfer wealth to future generations. In addition to the economic measures, other criteria (e.g. the health of individuals and their families) are central to the overall well-being of households. Healthy individuals and families have greater ability to learn new skills, earn more income, and generate wealth to support current and future consumption.


Income, Wealth, and Economic Well-being of Farm Households—Farm households draw income from various sources, including off-farm work, other businesses operated and, increasingly, nonfarm investments. Focusing on a single indicator of well-being, such as income, overlooks other indicators such as the wealth held by the household and the level of consumption expenditures for health care, food, housing, and other items.

Decoupled Payments: Household Income Transfers in Contemporary U.S. Agriculture—Decoupled payments have improved the well-being of recipient farm households, enabling them to comfortably increase spending, savings, investments, and leisure but with minimal distortion of U.S. agricultural production and trade.

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