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Yearbook - Format

Preparation | Definition of Terms |NGC Objectives

Format | Scale of Points



The scale of points for format allows 3 points for a structure of the book and 12 points for the arrangement of content.



Convenient size: Large enough to be legible and small enough to be easy to carry to a meeting. A recommended, economical size uses an 8-1/2" x 11" sheet of paper, folded in half crosswise. Adjust to suit club needs. (1 point)

Durability: Securely bound or well fastened. In general, ribbon, yarn, string, etc. tend to tear out before the year's end and are not as satisfactory as staples or sewing machine stitching (for smaller books). (1 point)

Neatness: Pleasing choice of color of ink and paper, even margins, numbered pages, identifiable headings, arranged for easy reading. Professionally typeset books and mimeographed books are considered equally. (1 point)



Cover must include: (a) name of club; (b) town; (c) state; (d) year. May also include club theme, if desired. (2 points)

Cover design is optional and receives no points in the scoring. An attractive cover does enhance the book for the pleasure of the members and may add prestige to the image projected by the club.

For permanent binder covers, which some clubs prefer, substitute a durable paper cover for NGC award competition, making sure that the required information is on the temporary cover. Fasten the yearbook with substitute metal rings to allow pages to turn easily.



A title page is required, and must show: (a) name of club; (b) town; (c) state; (d) year; (e) number of members; and NGC, regional, state, district, and council memberships. (4 points).  Other organizational memberships may also be added to the title page, or shown elsewhere, such as African Violet Society, American Rose Society, etc. Although not included in the Scale of Points, the following information should be added, as it is needed for the awards report: (g) year organized; (h) year federated.



Required: Names and addresses of (a) national president; (b) regional director; (c) state president; (d) district director, (e) council chairman, if any.

Optional: (a) Theme of above named officers; (b) names and addresses of other national, regional, state and district officers, as desired.

Required: Names and addresses of club officers.

Recommended: Names and addresses of club committee chairmen. (This is for the benefit of club members.)

Required: Club membership roster, including complete mailing addresses with zip codes and phone numbers with area codes.

Note: Where most of the members have the same zip code, a notice should be printed at the beginning of the list designating, for instance:  "All zip codes are 91324 unless otherwise noted."  In the same manner, where most of the members have the same phone area code. a similar notation should be added: "All area codes are 818 unless otherwise noted."

Required: A calendar of events other than regular meetings,  such as: NGC and state convention dates, regional meeting dates, NGC schools, Arbor Day, Garden Week, etc.

Note: "There is no set order for pages after the title page and table of contents, except for the club library list (if any) and the bylaws, which are usually the last items in the book The sequence of pages is of no importance and should be placed where it is most convenient to the members



Recommended: That the bylaws be included in the yearbook, although they are not noted in the Scale of Points. This is a service to the membership and may also be used for reference in judging award entries.


CLUB THEME: When a theme has been chosen, it should be listed in the yearbook. Any reference to the theme must be mentioned in a majority of the meetings. The theme may be printed on the cover or the title page or may be a part of the President's Message.

The theme should be repeated at the beginning of the program pages where monthly business and programs arc announced, and also included at the top of each monthly summary. For ideas on incorporating the theme with the year's program, refer to any or all of the Instantized Yearbook Plans available on order from Member Services, NGC Headquarters. ~ See page 8 for additional information.


ACCEPTABLE ADDITIONS to the yearbooks that are of interest and value to the club members, such as club members who are serving (a) on national, state and district levels; (b) as flower show judges and instructors; (c) as landscape design consultants; (d) as gardening consultants. Other items may be a statement of club goals, the club invocation or creed, the club flower, the club colors, club awards, birthdays, memorials, and the club library list.



The choice of club programs is of vital importance in maintaining member interest, attracting new members, and promoting NGC objectives.

Required: At least seven (7) business meetings per year must be included in the program. These are usually monthly meetings, and it is suggested that a separate page be allowed for each meeting. This for easy reference. If such a format is not feasible, separate each month's programs from the next with a decorative repeating motif or a line or series of lines, leaving as much empty space as possible at the end of one month's program and the beginning of the next, for easier visibility and identification.

Required: WHEN: Place of meeting. Give precise date; e.g. Dec. 3, 2000. Although the club meets regularly on the first Thursday of the month, the exact date of each meeting is necessary.

Required: WHERE: Place of and time of meeting. Give exact address, phone number and time. For example: Church of the Foothills, 1014 N. Highland Ave., Duarte; 555-809-2245, 9:30 AM. If held in a home, give the name, address and phone number of the hostess and the name of co-hostess (if any).

Required: WHO; Name of speaker, including credentials and brief identifying information, and some word on type of presentation, (e.g., demonstrations, slides etc.).

For example: Mr. Zachary Cutler is the owner of Creative Designs. He is a Landscape Architect and Botanist. He will present a slide program on "Landscaping your Garden with Perennials." There will be a question and answer session following his presentation. Recommended: Business agenda, including the inspiration, pledge to the flag, etc. Committee reports should be considered as part of the day's program and listed where appropriate.

Suggested: Include club activities or projects occurring on other than regular club meeting days, adding them chronologically though out the program pages for the convenience of members and to serve as interim progress reports.



Continuing projects and new projects for the year must be listed separated. Remember that a new phase of the continuing project can be considered a new project in itself; for example, a new rose trellis in a memorial garden, which is maintained as a continuing project.

Required: Location, description, and member participation* in both types of projects. *Membership participation: Make a reasonable estimate, and then work to involve that number of members. If one or two participate in a project, it is not truly a club project.

Required: Notation of when subjects of meetings pertain to project work.



Following the description of each project list the meeting dates during the year when that project will be included on the agenda. It is also suggested that the name of the project chairman be included following the project description, although this is not required. For example:

New Project #1 To promotes xeriscape gardening at home and in public places, recognizing outstanding low water maintenance plantings at an annual ceremony. Conservation Chairman: Mrs. William James,

Speaker: September 8, 1994; exhibit: November 9, 1994; tour: March 16,1995; ceremony: May 9, 1995

Projects may also be numbered, coding them CP#I, etc. (for continuing projects) and NP#I, etc., (for new projects), using these coded numbers on the appropriate program pages to designate when the subjects or activities of meetings pertain to project work.

Other devices that identify the inter-relationships of club projects and club programs are also acceptable, providing they can be easily recognized by the club membership, as well as the judging panels, if the yearbook is submitted for competition.



Each club president of record receives an annual copy of the current Member Services Catalog, courtesy of NGC. The catalog lists a number of publications and illustrated lectures ad helpful in planning the year's program, activities, and projects. Additional copies are available free of charge upon request to: Member Services, NGC Headquarters, 4401 Magnolia Ave., St. Louis, Mo., 63110. Include a stamped self-addressed envelope. The catalog measures 5-1/4"  x 8-1/4" and weighs less than one ounce.

This paper has been compiled by the NCAFGC Club Program Chairman, Awards Chairman and Publications Chairman. Published, April, 1994.


Copyright © 2002 National Capital Area Federation of Garden Clubs



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