BioSynC - Biodiversity Synthesis Center

The Biodiversity Synthesis Center is a component of the Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) project. Housed at The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, the BioSynC is committed to accelerating the pace of scientific discovery in biodiversity and evolution, developing new tools for the exploration of life, and providing a meeting place for asking and answering large-scale questions about the biodiversity of life. Together with the other partner institutions of the EOL and groups of scientists worldwide, the BioSynC will promote synthesis of innovative scientific information and contribute to the vast knowledge-base of the EOL.

The Biodiversity Synthesis Center will play three major roles in the study of biodiversity: (a) accelerate the pace of scientific discovery in biodiversity and evolution by using the power of online information to answer large-scale questions; (b) provide a central location for scientific groups to convene and explore new ideas; and (c) support the growth and content of the EOL by facilitating cross-disciplinary involvement of the scientific community in the EOL effort.

Scientific Mission

The mission of the Biodiversity Synthesis Center is to advance synthetic research that addresses fundamental questions in biodiversity science. To achieve this goal, the academic community is invited to submit proposals for synthesis meetings on a set of overarching themes in biodiversity. We are currently considering applications at any time, and encourage prior discussion with BioSynC staff. The following broad topics are meant to serve as a template for synthesis groups to use as a basis for their own unique approach to key questions in biodiversity:

  • Phylogenetics: The tree of life

  • Biogeography: Biodiversity in space and time

  • Taxonomy of megadiverse groups: Discovering and describing biodiversity

  • Conservation of biodiversity

  • High performance computing, data mining, biosemantics, other topics

Request For Proposals
The synthesis of biodiversity information holds great promise as a source of scientific progress in many areas of biology and related disciplines. The Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) will become a nexus for integration of biodiversity information from many fields, and the Biodiversity Synthesis Center provides a central location for scientific working groups to convene and explore new ideas and develop tools for synthetic analysis in biodiversity informatics. We are now encouraging proposals for bringing together diverse groups of people for advancing biodiversity science and contributing to the EOL.

Please download our Request For Proposals and submit your idea today.

More details on these initiatives >>

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