Map and Directions to HSA Headquarters

map to HSA Headquarters

General Directions

Take I-90 to Rt. 306/Kirtland (exit #193). Travel south on Rt. 306. At the bottom of the hill at the light, turn left onto 615N then right onto Kirtland-Chardon Rd. The Herb Society of America Headquarters is approximately three miles east on Kirtland-Chardon.

Get Exact Directions To HSA Headquarters

HSA Headquarters Coordinates in Various Formats:

Decimal Degrees (WGS84)
Latitude Longitude
Degrees, Minutes & Seconds
Latitude Longitude
N41 36 18 W81 19 05
Latitude Longitude
N 41 36.307W 81 19.094
17N 473483 4605983


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