HSA Grant for Educators

The Herb Society of America’s mission is to promote the knowledge, use and delight of herbs through educational programs, research, and sharing the experience of its members with the community. The Grant for Educators challenges individuals, groups or small businesses to develop and deliver learning experiences to the public. Each year, the Grant Committee anticipates funding one or two grants for a total of $5,000.

The grant rewards innovative projects that enhance herbal education in school systems, in communities, or in any public forum (electronic or person-to-person). It requires learning goals and a mechanism to measure the educational outcomes. 

Applications are requested from educators (formal or informal teachers), persons engaged/employed in botanical or horticultural activities, museum directors, botanical / garden writers, small herbal business owners. Proposals from students will not be accepted.

Grant Intentions

The goal of this grant is the delivery of a project that specifically promotes herbal education, beyond the usual garden activities. A proposal may be considered if the project seeks to deliver an existing educational program in a significantly different manner or to a larger target audience (e.g., classroom to distance learning, regional program to national). Please note that projects previously funded by a Society Research Grant will not be funded.

  1. The Grant is not intended for:
    -personal financial aid, stipend, salary or a business loan;
    -seed money for a project;
    -monies to promote or sell any book or product;
    -personal travel;
    -equipment upgrades (acquisition of a new computer or LCD projector, for   
    -indirect expenses, e.g. publishing fees or an exhibit’s installation costs;
    -garden construction, planting or maintenance.
  2. The grant is not intended to support activities that would occur in the usual course of business, such as the development of a college course or publication. 
  3. The program content must not recommend the use of herbs as medicines or in the treatment of any medical condition.

Application Procedure:

Applications must be e-mailed or postmarked by December 31, 2008 to be considered for an award. Late proposals will not be accepted. Announcement of grant recipient(s) will be made April 1, 2009

The proposal should be typed in an 11 pt. Arial or equivalent font. Lines should be double-spaced. Hand written proposals will not be accepted. If a hard copy is submitted, please mail six(6) copies of the proposal packet to the Society’s administrative offices. 

Proposal Packet

  1. Application form completed in its entirety.
  2. Statement of qualifications (This is not intended to be a professional resume and should not exceed one double-spaced page)
    -Previous teaching or educational experience
    -Pertinent publications or related activities
    -Brief biographical sketch. If this is a group project, include the names of all participants on the Application form but a biographical sketch only of the team leader(s).
  3. Comprehensive project description of the program (not to exceed two double-spaced pages.)
    -Identification of the target audience and any required knowledge level
    -Objectives and educational significance of the program
    -Learning objectives and expected outcomes of the project
    -Outcome assessment
    -Specific time line for this project
  4. Line-by-line budget

Please do not submit unnecessary letters, attachments or binders as they will create a paperwork burden.

Summary of Terms

  1. The Grant is for a period of work not to exceed one year.

  2. The Grant is paid in two installments. The initial payment is made at the time of the award. The final payment is sent upon receipt of the final report and successful delivery or presentation of the project. 

  3. Progress reports are required twice during the year (or at the conclusion of the project if earlier than one year).

  4. The recipient(s) may be invited to attend the Educational Conference of The Herb Society to present the program and its outcomes.

Application Form *

HSA Style Manual *

Application forms may be requested from:

The Herb Society of America, Inc. 
Grant for Educators
9019 Kirtland Chardon Road
Kirtland, OH 44094
Phone 440.256.0514
Fax 440.256.0541

Questions may be addressed to the Society's Executive Director at director@herbsociety.org

*(requires Adobe® Acrobat® Reader™  - free download available from Adobe®)

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