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Peer Review Workshop Report on a Framework for Ecological Risk Assessment

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On May 14, 1991, EPA convened a 3-day workshop in Rockville, Maryland, for discussion and peer review of a draft EPA report entitled "Framework for Ecological Risk Assessment" (framework draft) (56 Federal Register 20223; May 2, 1991). The framework draft and the workshop were part of a new EPA program for developing risk assessment guidelines for ecological effects. This workshop report highlights issues and recommendations developed at the Rockville Workshop. The report features the chairperson's summary of the workshop findings and includes a copy of the framework draft that was the subject of the Rockville peer review. Based on the highly constructive and useful suggestions presented in the chairperson's summary, EPA is simplifying and streamlining the framework draft for publication in early 1992 as a step toward future development of EPA guidelines for ecological risk assessment.
[Note: EPA published the Framework for Ecological Risk Assessment in 1992, and it served as the foundation for EPA's 1998 Ecological Risk Assessment Guidelines.]

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Note: a complete electronic version of this document that preserves its original appearance (such as in a pdf file format) is not currently available. However, a scanned version is available in image or text format from EPA's National Environmental Publications Information System. Paper copies may be ordered from the National Technical Information Service.


U.S. EPA. Peer Review Workshop Report on a Framework for Ecological Risk Assessment. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Risk Assessment Forum, Washington, DC, EPA/625/3-91/022 (NTIS PB92213198), 1992.


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