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Items of Interest:

Federal Court Upholds Michigan Ballast Water Law (Nov 21, 2008)
AP; Mlive.com.
Federal appeals court Friday upheld a Michigan law designed to prevent oceangoing freight ships from bringing invasive species to the Great Lakes in their ballast water.

2008 Garlic Mustard Challenge
The Stewardship Network.
The invasive garlic mustard plant threatens the abundant wildflowers and diverse forest ecosystem of Michigan. Garlic mustard stands out with its ability to overwhelm natural habitats.  In only a few years, garlic mustard can take over an area, effecting not only wildflowers but tree growth and the animals that depend on the natural growth. The Stewardship Network Clusters are working to remove 100,000 pounds of garlic mustard this spring. With your help, we can reach and exceed this goal!

State Quarantine to Prevent Spread of Plum Pox Virus (Mar 12, 2007; PDF | 195 KB)
Michigan Department of Agriculture.

Firewood: Buy It Where You Burn It and Emerald Ash Borer - Firewood Fact Sheet
Michigan Department of Agriculture.
Don't pack your own firewood for use at your campsite or cabin. Unfortunately, our native trees and forests are being threatened by invasive insects and diseases that live in dead and dying wood. In many cases, these pests are being accidentally spread to new locations by homeowners and recreationists moving firewood from one location to another.

New Law Requiring Ships to Kill Ballast Water Invasive Species
First time a state plans to regulate ballast water beyond national standards. Senate Bill 322 is effective Jan 1, 2007.

Find Experts and See State Specific Threats:

Invasive Species Experts - Michigan
Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force.

Nonindigenous Aquatic Species - Michgan
DOI. USGS. Florida Integrated Science Center.

Pest Tracker - Michigan
USDA. APHIS. Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey. National Agricultural Pest Information System.

Forest Threat Summary Viewer - Michigan
USDA. FS. Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center.
See what threats (invasive plants, insects and diseases) are in my state.


West Nile Virus Information
Michigan Department of Agriculture.
Species of Concern; Management

Aquatic Nuisance Control
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.
Species of Concern; Contacts; Management

Michigan Ballast Water Reporting Program
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.
Species of Concern; Management

Forest Pests
Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
Species of Concern; Contacts; Management

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Aquatic Nuisance Species
Michigan Sea Grant.
Species of Concern; Publications; Management

Integrated Pest Management Program
Michigan State University.
Species of Concern; Contacts; Publications; Management

Invasive Species Initiative
Michigan State University.
Species of Concern

Purple Loosestrife Project
Michigan Sea Grant.
Species of Concern; Contacts; Management; Special Note: Includes grades 4-12 lesson plans for teachers

Center for Exotic Species
Michigan Technological University. Forest Resources and Environmental Science.
Species of Concern; Contacts; Publications

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Exotics Aquatic Nuisance Species
Michigan Cooperative Monitoring Program.
Species of Concern; Management; Monitoring

Michigan Invasive Plant Council
Michigan State University. Michigan Invasive Plant Council.
Species of Concern

Invasive Species in the Great Lakes Region
Great Lakes Information Network.
Species of Concern; Contacts; Monitoring; Special Note: (Aquatic) Invasive Species Mapping in Michigan

Great Lakes Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS)
Great Lakes Commission.
Species of Concern; Contacts; Organizations; Publications; Laws and Regulations; Management; Monitoring; Special Note: Applicable for the following States: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin

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Last Modified: Dec 22, 2008
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