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Declared Weeds

Information on how to identify and control declared weeds is available from the NRETA Weed Management Branch in your region.

Location Phone
Darwin (08) 8999 4567
Katherine (08) 8973 8107
Timber Creek (08) 8975 0307
Borroloola (08) 8975 8752
Tennant Creek (08) 8962 4495
Alice Springs (08) 8951 9210

Biological control - (08) 8999 2327

E-mail -


Schedule of classes

A To be eradicated reasonable effort must be made to eradicate the plant within the NT
B Growth and spread to be controlled Reasonable attempts must be made to contain the growth and prevent the movement of the plant
C Not to be introduced to the Territory All Class A and Class B weeds are also considered to be Class C weeds.

*Area to which declaration applies is all of the Northern Territory unless otherwise stated.

Schedule Class A / C*


Botanical Name

Common Name

Acacia catechu

Cutch tree

Acacia nilotica

Prickly acacia

Alternanthera philoxeroides

Alligator weed

Andropogon gayanus Gamba grass (click for details on region where Class A/C declaration applies)

Annona glabra

Pond Apple

Asparagus asparagoides

Bridal creeper

Asphodelus fistulosus

Onion weed

Barleria prionitis


Cabomba spp.


Chrysanthemoides monilifera

Bitou bush/Boneseed

Cryptostegia spp.


Dalbergia sissoo
(Area: N of 18 o S latitude)


Datura ferox

Longspine thornapple

Echium plantagineum

Paterson's curse

Eichhornia crassipes

Water hyacinth

Jatropha curcas

Physic nut

Lycium ferocissimum African boxthorn

Martynia annua

Devil's claw

Mimosa pigra
(Area: S of 14 o S latitude)

Mimosa, giant sensitive plant

Nassella neesiana

Chilean needle grass

Nassella trichotoma

Serrated Tussock

Parthenium hysterophorus

Parthenium weed

Prosopis spp.


Rubus fruticose agg.


Salix spp. except S. babylonica, S. X calodendron & S. X reichardtiji

Willows (except weeping willows, pussy willow and sterile pussy willow)

Ulex europaeus


Ziziphus mauritiana

Chinee apple, Indian jujube

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Schedule Class B / C


Botanical name

Common Name

Acanthospermum hispidum

Star burr, goat's head

Alternanthera pungens

Khaki weed

Andropogon gayanus Gamba grass (click for details on region where Class B/C declaration applies)

Argemone ochroleuca

Mexican poppy

Calotropis procera
(Area: S of 16 o30' S latitude)

Rubber bush

Carthamus lanatus

Saffron thistle

Cenchrus echinatus

Mossman River grass

Emex australis

Spiny emex

Hymenachne amplexicaulis

Olive hymenachne

Hyptis capitata

Knob weed

Hyptis suaveolens


Jatropha gossypifolia

Bellyache bush

Lantana camara

Common lantana

Lantana montevidensis

Creeping lantana

Leonotis nepetifolia

Lion's tail

Mimosa pigra
(Area: N of 14 o S latitude)

Mimosa, giant sensitive plant

Mimosa pudica

Common sensitive plant

Opuntia spp.
(Area: S of 18 o S latitude)

Prickly pears

Parkinsonia aculeata


Pennisetum polystachion

Mission grass

Pistia stratiotes

Water lettuce

Ricinus communis

Castor oil plant

Salvinia molesta


Senna alata Candle bush

Senna obtusifolia


Senna occidentalis

Coffee senna

Sida acuta

Spinyhead sida

Sida cordifolia

Flannel weed

Sida rhombifolia

Paddy's lucerne

Stachytarpheta spp. Snake weeds

Tamarix aphylla

Tamarisk, Athel pine

Themeda quadrivalvis

Grader grass

Tribulus cistoides


Tribulus terrestris


Xanthium occidentale

Noogoora burr

Xanthium spinosum

Bathurst burr

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Schedule Class C

(Includes all class A and class B invasive weeds)

Botanical Name

Common Name

Acroptilon repens

Creeping knapweed

Ageratina riparia


Amaranthus dubius Chinese Spinach

Ambrosia artemisiifolia

Annual ragweed

Ambrosia psilostachya

Perennial ragweed

Andropogon gayanus Gamba grass
Austroeupatorium inulaefolium  

Baccharis halimifolia

Groundsel bush

Boerhavia erecta  
Brachiaria paspaloides Common Brachiaria, Thurston grass

Chromolaena odorata

Siam Weed, Christmas bush

Clidemia hirta Koster's curse, Soap bush
Coix aquatica Job's tears
Croton hirtus  

Datura spp.


Digitaria fuscescens Common Crabgrass
Digitaria insularis  
Diodia sarmentosa  
Echinochloa glabrescens a Barnyard grass
Echinochloa stagnina  

Egeria densa

Dense waterweed

Elodea canadensis

Canadian pondweed

Equisetum ramosissimum Horsetail, Scouring rush
Equisetum spp. Horsetails
Eriocaulon truncatum  

Eriocereus martinii

Harrisia cactus

Eriochloa polystachya Carib grass
Fimbristylis umbellaris Globular Fimbristylis
Hybanthus attenuatus  
Hyptis brevipes Lesser Roundweed
Ischaemum timorense Centipede grass
Kochia Burning bush
Kochia scoparia (all except subsp. Trichopyla)  

Lagarosiphon major


Leptochloa chinensis Red sprangletop, Feathergrass
Leptochloa panicea Sprangletop
Limnocharis flava Yellow burrhead, yellow sawah lettuce
Miconia spp. Velvet tree
Mikania cordata  
Mikania micrantha Mile a minute

Mimosa invisa

Giant sensitive plant

Myriophyllum spicatum Erasian watermilfoil
Orabanche spp. (all except O.minor and O.cernua var.australiana) Broomrape
Paederia foetida Lesser Malayan stinkwort
Piper aduncum  
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa Downy rose myrtle
Rotala indica Toothcup
Sacciolepis interrupta  
Salvinia cucullata Salvinia
Salvinia natans Salvinia
Schoenoplectus juncoides  
Scirpus maritimus  

Sorghum halepense

Johnson grass

Spermacoce mauritiana  
Striga angustifolia Witchweed
Striga asiatica Witchweed
Striga spp. (all non-indigenous) Witchweed
Trapa spp. Floating Water Chestnut

Xanthium spp.


The Weed Risk Assessment (WRA) process is currently evaluating existing weeds on this list as well as new invasive species.

The Northern Territory Weed Management Act 2001 determines weed management responsibilities.

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