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USDA Forest Service
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Roadless Area Conservation
Picture of mountain stream Picture of cascading waterfall Picture of people enjoying mountain view

Roadless Area Profiles

Ten Lakes Scenic Area Location Image
- Click on the image below to view the full Kootenai National Forest Inventoried Roadless Areas Map which includes legend, etc. - read Note below before clicking

Note for Viewing Maps Get Acrobat Reader
The 8 1/2" x 11" printable Administrative Unit maps are in Adobe Acrobat pdf format and require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to be viewed. The newest version is required (version 4.0 - 5.6 MB with an approximate download time of 30 minutes with a 28.8 connection). If you do not have the free viewer, you may obtain it here. If you are unfamiliar with Acrobat reader, you can get a short tutorial on its basic viewing tools (zooming/panning).
The maps are data intensive and can take a considerable time to load and render (approx 1 - 4 minutes for Administrative Unit Maps with 28.8 connection).
Printing is recommended to obtain the best full view and to ensure rendering is finished. It is also possible to download the maps to your computer for viewing by clicking on the map's link with the right mouse button and selecting "Save Target As..." from the menu.

Kootenai National Forest
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