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  Welcome to weedmapper.org 

WeedMapper is a collection of spatial information on the distribution of weeds in the state of Oregon. The site shows known locations of noxious weeds throughout the state as collected by responsible federal, state, and local agencies. Maps are viewable at the state or county level.

WeedMapper is designed to facilitate identification, reporting, and verification of noxious weeds in Oregon. Besides providing maps of known infestations of the most serious weed pests, it also contains detailed information on each weed with photographs to assist identification.

Depending on the types of information desired, WeedMapper users can follow these links:

General information about noxious (A,B,T listed) weed species

Find the geographic distribution of a weed species

Report weed locations to ODA

Links to other websites of interest

It is our hope that WeedMapper will foster greater cooperation between landowners, federal, state, and county agencies and improve the effectiveness of weed control programs.

We would also like to thank the various institutions and departments who provided data and support for the WeedMapper Project:

Noxious Weed Control Program, Oregon Department of Agriculture
Dept. of Rangeland Ecology and Management, Oregon State University
USDA Forest Service
USDI Bureau of Land Management







Property of the WeedMapper Team, Dept. of Rangeland Ecology & Management, Oregon State University. Copyright 2004. All rights resereved. Design by STP.