Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR) Harmful Non-Indigenous Species
(HNIS) database

The Harmful Non-Indigenous Species (HNIS) database includes fact sheets about selected harmful non-indigenous (non-native) species in Hawaii. Information is available on selected plants plant icon, invertebrates invert_icon_scrunched.gif, and vertebrates vertbrate icon.

Also, an HNIS questionnaire is available in case you wish to contribute a new or (updated) report.

HNIS reports

Plants plant_icon.gif

Invertebrates invertebrate icon

Vertebrates vertebrate icon

HNIS questionnaire

Also available is the HNIS questionnaire*. This questionnaire is used to collect detailed information about each species in the HNIS database. If you have information to report, or would like to assist in the progress of this project, you are encouraged to complete and submit one of these forms for a species which is on our "hit list" or for another species about which you are concerned. (You will notice that a few questions are geared specifically towards plants; however, most questions are relevant to any organism group. Specialized questionnaires for various organism groups [plants, invertebrates, vertebrates] will be available in the future.) Contact webmaster@hear.org for more information.

The HNIS database also contains specific information about plants based on "Yes/No"-type answers to over 70 questions RE: ecological requirements/preferences, tolerance to environmental conditions, history of invasiveness, etc.. (HEAR does have a spreadsheet-based model to rank weeds based on various criteria; eventually, this should be online, but for now, ask webmaster@hear.org for details.) A questionnaire for this detailed HNIS information* is also available online. (Admittedly, many of the categories/questions on this detailed HNIS questionnaire are highly subjective. Send suggestions for improvements (and/or information RE: other similar systems) to webmaster@hear.org.) (*This document is in Adobe Acrobat .PDF format.)

If you would be willing to keep us apprised of updated information gathered by you or your organization, please e­mail the Hawaii Ecosystems at Risk project and let us know!

 PDF icon  This document is in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. If your computer is not already set up to read these files, you can download the FREE Adobe Acrobat reader. You can set up most web browsers to automatically invoke this reader (as a "helper application" or "add-in") upon encountering documents of this type (refer to your browser's documentation for how to do this). [Download Acrobat reader]

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Questions? Comments? Contact the webmaster (webmaster@hear.org).

This page was created in before or in 1998, and was last updated on 25 February 2005 by PT.