University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources
January 15, 2009
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UCR & UCD Nematology, CDFA, SFC Event
Title:   Joint Meeting: 41th Annual CA Nematology Workshop & 55th Annual Soil Fungus Conference
Start Date:   24-Mar-09
End Date:   25-Mar-09
Contact:   Ole Becker

Time:   8 am - 5 pm (T), 8 am - noon (W)
Location:   University of California Cooperative Extension Salinas

Address:   1432 Abbott Street, Salinas, California 93901


The Annual California Nematology Workshop, now in its 41st year offers participants the latest information on nematodes. The event is sponsored by University of California's Departments of Nematology at Riverside and Davis as well as by the Nematology Program of California's Department of Food and Agriculture. The focus is typically on topics related to plant-parasitic and beneficial nematodes, but we include other contribution featuring the world's most abundant group of multicellular animals. This year's joint meeting with the Soil Fungus Conference offers an exciting opportunity for all participants to learn about and discuss interactions among the various soil organisms. The SFC is a short meeting with a long list of benefits. Started in 1954 by researchers from the University of California, it meets annually at locations in the western U.S. It has progressed into one of the best known and highly valued conferences in plant pathology.

This meeting has a relatively informal and highly interactive format that allows for provocative, short oral presentations on research and development discoveries, new or increasing disease problems, new applications, products and equipment, and other subjects, followed by questions and spirited, illuminating discussions as the audience pitches in. In some respects, it is a veritable “think tank”with immediate and long-term benefits. All participants are encouraged to present and/or contribute to the discussions as they choose and time permits. Creative thinking, insights, frank and justified opinions, and lots of take-home ideas and lessons abound under the special climate of this event. Participants come from universities (research, teaching, extension), private industry and technical service organizations, private practice/consulting, municipal and state agencies, crop production and other areas. A number of Certified Crop Adviser and Pest Control Adviser continuing education units will be offered (includes laws and regulations hours).

hands-on participation
hands-on participation

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