National Herb Garden

The National Herb Garden was a gift from The Herb Society of America to the American people. It stands as one of the finest examples of how a diverse group of people and organizations working together can achieve a dream. For over twenty years, the National Herb Garden has fulfilled The Herb Society of America’s mission to promote the knowledge, use and delight of herbs. 

The garden includes hundreds of species and cultivars of herbs used for everything from perfume to cooking to medicine to flower arranging. Every plant is labeled, and interpretive signage helps the visitor understand the herbs in context with their history and use.
National Herb Garden

Knot Garden in the National Herb Garden

Constructed on a two-and-a-half-acre site at the U.S. National Arboretum in Washington, D.C., the garden was completed in 1980 after fifteen years of planning and fundraising by a group of dedicated Society members. In the end, $200,000 was raised by The Society and was matched by a $200,000 grant from the U.S. government.

More than two decades later, The Herb Society of America is still committed to the success of the herb garden. Funds from The Society support a garden intern and HSA members from the area volunteer frequently. Recent enhancements in lighting, irrigation, signage and walking paths keep the garden beautiful and accessible to all.

National Herb Garden *

Visit the garden's web page on the U.S. National Arboretum website for a detailed description of the garden and additional information. For directions and hours of operation, see* 

National Herb Garden Internship *

“I can’t conceive of a better classroom than the National Herb Garden. I look back ten months and am astonished at how many plants I have learned, and yet every day I see at least one I had not noticed before.” –Amy Forsberg Pollock, National Herb Garden Intern, 2002.

“I would like to thank The Herb Society of America for a wonderful introduction to the world of herbs. I will always credit my experience in the National Herb Garden with focusing my interest in gardening.” –Hannah Flynn, National Herb Garden Intern, 2003.

"The National Herb Garden has given me a new understanding and relevnce of plants that I haven't acquired elsewhere. Namely, it has taught me how to use plants. Thank you Herb Society for the Opportunity!" –Jeanette Warriner, National Herb Garden Intern, 2007-2008.

U.S. National Arboretum Events & Programs*

Browse the Arboretum's listings for events in the National Herb Garden.


*Link will open in a new browser window.

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