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U.S. Geological Survey Instructional Memorandum

No. OOP-00-001

Date: June 2, 2000

Subject: Interim Guidance on U.S. Geological Survey Career Ladders

Reference: SM 370.335.1

The purpose of this Instructional Memorandum is to establish, on an interim basis, occupational career ladders for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in accordance with Office of Personnel Management (OPM) requirements described in 5 CFR 335.103. This regulation requires that career ladders be made a matter of record and be documented in agency merit promotion plans. As such, this Instructional Memorandum is an addendum to the USGS Merit Promotion Plan, Survey Manual 370.335, dated April 24, 2000.

Noncompetitive career ladder promotions within the USGS may be made up to and through the highest­grade level documented in the attachment to this Instructional Memorandum. However, noncompetitive promotions within these occupational career ladders are not an automatic entitlement and every employee will not be promoted, necessarily, to the highest­grade level reflected in the listing (see Survey Manual 370.335.1, section 3.B, USGS Career Ladder Guidance). Agencies are required, by law, to classify positions in conformance with standards published by the OPM (Title 5, United States Code, Section 5107). Factors affecting grade levels for positions include but are not limited to the level of knowledge required to perform the work; the level of supervisory review or controls over the work; the complexity, scope and effect of work performed; and other job related factors.

Employees may be promoted, without competition, when work is available, assigned on a regular and recurring basis, and satisfactorily performed at the next higher grade level. Situations may require, or managers at their option may want to use, merit promotion procedures when filling vacant positions at grade levels within established occupational career ladders.

Exceptions: The attached listing is intended to provide a general guide for determining occupational career ladders within the USGS. At times, it may be appropriate to adjust career ladders for specific groupings of positions within an occupational field or in certain organizations based on classification reviews conducted by the servicing personnel office. The listing does not cover occupational career ladders for positions above the highest grade indicated, for managerial and supervisory positions, for non­student positions in the excepted service, or for other single incumbency, staff or similar types of positions. Career ladder determinations with regard to these positions are made on a case­by­case basis.

(signed) June 2, 2000
_____________________________________ ______________________
Richard Williams, Acting Personnel Officer Date:


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