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A Gift for You

Last Updated: December 20, 2008 Related resource areas: Entrepreneurs & Their Communities

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Image:Present.gifA gift for you...

It is the time of year for gift-giving and to each of you here are the five gifts the Entrepreneurs and Their Communities team wishes we could give you for the coming year...

  • Gift #1 is the gift of resilience. Resiliency is the ability to quickly recover from change or misfortune. No matter what the future holds for you and your business, we know that it is likely to be a challenging year. Don't fight the changes, instead look for ways to emerge better and stronger.
  • Gift #2 is the gift of love and support. As you are faced with challenges and opportunities this coming year let those that care for you be a part of your decision-making. Look beyond your immediate family to friends, other business owners and your customers. They can all be a great source of wisdom and support.
  • Gift #3 is the gift of professional development. Never stop investing in yourself. Take a class, attend a workshop, join an association, read a book, go to a conference, start a discussion group or attend a networking event at your local chamber of commerce. Continue to learn and push yourself (and your business) to try something new. It is historically true that adversity and hard times often lead to the periods of greatest innovation.
  • Gift #4 is the gift of humor. Laugh well and often in the coming year. Look for the silly side of things and don't take yourself too seriously. Laughter will make you feel better and help you put things into perspective. It will also bring relief to those around you.
  • Gift #5 is the gift of truth and courage. There will be many opportunities for you in the coming months to speak up and advocate for your business and yourself as a farmer and business owner. Speaking the truth to those that need to hear can be a frightening thing but fear should not stop you from stating what you need and why you need it. Your experience is relevant and your needs are valid -- so be present in the dialog.

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