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                                             AWARD OF HONOR

Award of Honor is a special award offered by National Garden Clubs, Inc.  It is an award that celebrates the outstanding accomplishments of individual NGC members. This award recognizes that because of the many achievements of each individual member, National Garden Clubs, state garden clubs, districts and local clubs, plus the community as a whole are all much richer in so many ways.

Qualifications for the award are that the individual must be a garden club member whose volunteer efforts during the past five or more years have significantly contributed to club and community in one or more of the following categories:

Civic Development                    Garden Therapy           Youth Activities                         Conservation

Horticulture                                Landscape Design                Design                           All Around Excellence

                In  order  to  be  eligible  a member  cannot  currently  or in the past, have served on the National Garden Clubs Board of Directors.

Book of Evidence (not to exceed six pages, to be typed and secured in a folder). Include the following in the order listed:

     1. A short typed description of Nominee's Accomplishments.

     2. Title Page - to include:

a. Name of State Federation and Region.
b.  Area(s) of nominee's outstanding contribution(s).
c.  Name, complete mailing address and telephone number of nominee.
d. Name of nominee's garden club.
e. Sponsoring club, including club president's name, address and signature.

     3. Supporting Information:

                              a. Maximum two-page outline listing accomplishments of the 
    nominee, including offices and chairmanships held.

b. Picture of the nominee (minimum 3"x 5" - preferably 5”x7") of quality for reproduction.  Name of nominee and complete mailing address is to be placed on label that is attached to back of photo.

Place photo in a self-addressed mailing envelope.

SEND ENTRIES TO:  State Awards Chairman by December 1, 2008

    NCAGC Awards Chairman,  9035 Swift Creek Road,  Fairfax Station, VA  22039

District and state winners will be selected by the NCAGC Awards Committee and District Directors. The winning state nomination will be forwarded for consideration at the regional level (regional winners are automatically national winners).


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